Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sunny saturdays are great for blogging

Current mood: Peaceful
Current song: Woodkid - Iron (if you haven't heard it yet, go do so immediately)

Wow, it's been a while since I wrote a new blog post. It's amazing how fast time can pass you by. As the title suggests, I'm sitting out on the porch right now, as I do almost every morning, and was suddenly inspired to write again. This won't be my usual witty commentary on life, nor a TILT or SDS (though those will be coming soon). But I'll just give a little update on my life, for those who I haven't spoken to in a while *coughJencough*.

The saying is definitely true that time flies while you're having fun. This will probably go down as one of the best summers I've ever had, and I didn't even need to go on any fancy, expensive vacation.

My Clevelander readers (and the majority of America, really) can attest to how hot it has been the past couple of weeks. But surprisingly, I have never spent more time outside since back when I was a kid. It's partly thanks to the fact that I officially have 2 strong and healthy knees, and I'm enjoying getting out and using them! And my new knees go hand in hand with my new healthier life choices; aka, becoming a vegetarian and adopting much better eating habits, and routinely going to the gym every other day. Plus with my brand new (and completely gorgeous) bicycle, I've been riding through the metropark every evening. Just me, my headphones, and nature.

So I have been much healthier both body and mind, and my mood has greatly reflected this. Spending time with my amazing friends at least 5 times a week has helped, of course. There have been times in my life where I've felt lonely and friendless, but this is one of those lengths of time where the opposite is the case, and I feel truly blessed by the sheer number of close people I have in my life, and how often they ask to spend time with me.

I've been feeling so uplifted and at peace lately, that I've even started being friendly to and accepting of someone who I used to truly hate. In the past, just thinking about this person would get me upset and angry, let alone having any contact with them. But I'm tired of fighting and feeling angry and letting myself get so low. Life is too short to hold grudges and be upset with people. It's time to let the past be past and just live in the moment with people. Treat every interaction like it's a clean slate.

...Okay, so much for no life commentary. Back to my updates.

So I'm done with physical therapy after this week, and I'm feeling great. I can bend my knee, put weight on it while bent, climb and descend stairs, get down and up off the floor, walk long distances, ride a bike, and even jog a tiny bit. Soon I'll be able to start my top 3 knee shoulds:

  • Become a runner - Not really the professional marathon type, but just being able to run a distance longer than 10 feet. Ever since middle school, I haven't been able to run much at all for constant fear of a dislocation. Well now that's all a thing of the past. As soon as I'm strong enough, I'm going to start building my running endurance.
  • Become a yoga-fanatic - I love everything about yoga.. from the calm meditation, to the positive mental effects, to the increased body elasticity, to the colorful mats. But again, thanks to my old lady knees, it was never much of an option. So, as soon as my scar is healed enough to kneel on, I'm signing up for my first class.
  • Become the next Sasha Cohen - Okay, maybe not quite at her level.. but gosh darnit, I'm going to finally learn how to ice skate. My mom is terrified for me, which basically just gives me more motivation. This should will be accomplished this coming winter!

Aside from new knees and a healthier body, I've also gotten a ton more things accomplished this summer. I'm officially enrolled back at school, with all my classes scheduled, and my major finally declared. I'm actually really excited to start back up this fall. I also did some major cleaning in the house this summer, involving hands and knees scrubbing, and throwing a ton of useless things away. Between my mom and I, our house is looking spectacular. Which was why we decided to have a party this summer - another accomplishment since we'd been wanting to have one for a while - and that turned out fabulously. And on top of all this, I signed up to start some great volunteering around Cleveland again. All in all, I've gotten a lot done the past couple months, all while just staying at home.

The summer is already nearing an end, and as much fun as it has been, I'm not sad to see it go. With my new knees and my new start at school, this autumn is certainly going to be a fresh change of seasons, and a new beginning.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Things I Love Thursday: Obsessions over books

Current mood: Excited!!
Current song: Game of Thrones theme

It's been 2 weeks since my last TILT, so one would assume I'd have a LOT to put down in this post. But thanks to my limited memory bank, since it has been 2 weeks, I've pretty much forgotten everything. However, there were several large events that happened since last time, so here there are.

This week's TILT picture involves one of my current weekly loves. It hasn't happened just yet, but will within this next week: the 5th installment of George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Dance with Dragons, will be released on Tuesday. I am freaking out with excitement, so even though this should really belong in next week's TILT, it has given me so much joy in the past few days that of course I'm listing it as something I love this week!

But here is the official Things I Love Thursday list:

  • My love and passion of books, and the endless joy and entertainment they bring me
  • Our party on June 25th being a smashing success!
  • Spending the entire 4th of July weekend with friends, family, and neighbors alike
  • Citronella candles
  • Napoleon's disinterest of barking at fireworks - he just barks at everything else
  • The Cleveland Metroparks system
  • Starting physical therapy fiiiiinally! And the wonderful therapists I have
  • Being diligent about doing the work outside of therapy, to guarantee I recover as fast as possible
  • Fitness 19 - the gym responsible for helping me keep this goal, at very reasonable prices
  • Making an unexpected but awesome friend out of Mark, and finding out all the things in common that we love
  • Re-obsessing over Final Fantasy music thanks to the aforementioned new friendship
  • The Great Northern Mall
  • Discovering that I actually had extra money this month after all my bills were paid
  • Birthday shopping for my mom and finding exactly what she's been wanting (second time in a row, first time being for Mother's Day)
  • Spoiling myself with the new Sims Medieval game, since I had money leftover after mom's bday shopping
  • Coming across yet another cute, chic cafe to sit and read in
  • Ordering a new bicycle! It will be here in 2 weeks!
  • Looking up all kinds of fun accessories to put on said bike
  • My new love for omelettes
  • Finding out I can help the always awesome Jen out in some way <3
  • Paypal, and modern postal services
  • Successfully completing my 3rd day as a vegetarian - it's not as hard as I originally thought
  • Krissy (one of my cats) looking healthier and actually acting nice for a change
  • The free pre-screening movie tickets I get every couple of weeks
  • Meeting and talking with strangers
  • Mom and I being fight free for a long while now
  • All the time I've gotten to spend lately with my amazing friends
  • Stress free living (for now)
  • Being healthy and waking up genuinely happy every single morning
That's all I've got for the past 2 weeks. But they were an amazing couple of weeks. <3 What have you loved recently?